Preparing infilled surfaces for final paint

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Preparing infilled surfaces for final paint

Postby donnier » Thu Apr 12, 2018 7:11 pm

I have sheathed, rather than infilled, my last 3 builds. I use 1/32" balsa to do it and have gotten fairly good at it. Working on a Dauntless Dive Bomber right now. What product(s) and process do you guys use to smooth to a near glass finish the tiny juncture lines between putty and wood, etc. so that even the tiny imperfections will be eliminated? I am thinking of some kind of lacquer-based, self-leveling primer that could do this, so to allow finish coating with an enamel paint. Help!! Could really use your expertise. ...and THANKS!
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Re: Preparing infilled surfaces for final paint

Postby Steve Blanchard » Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:39 pm

Mix baby powder into the dope or lacquer and then brush on several light coats, sanding in between. Like glass is what you will get.
Steve Blanchard
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Re: Preparing infilled surfaces for final paint

Postby kittyfritters » Fri Apr 13, 2018 6:06 pm

Or, if you have issues with the VOCs in dope and lacquer you can use a thinned, water-based, polyurethane instead. Same result. Usually, I use some form of sanding sealer, as previously described, then tissue over it and put the final finish on the tissue. Your mileage may vary. :wink:
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