pilots for non-piloted airplanes

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pilots for non-piloted airplanes

Postby donnier » Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:49 am

I would like to add a 1/16 scale pilot to a 400 Series (my third) Supermarine Spitfire that I am currently building. Does anyone have a source(s) that can provide a 1/16 scale WWII pilot to fill this need? Thanks so much!!
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Re: pilots for non-piloted airplanes

Postby Balsa Pilot » Fri Jul 28, 2017 3:24 pm

Hello. Pilots for non-piloted aircraft eh? Well, you can start with Guillows, as on their site, there is a page where you can access parts and pilots are a part of that. I recall someone saying that the pilots from the Stearman kit were along that line.
There are several OTHER places which have catalogues which may be of assistance. You can try Easy built models web site as well. There are approximately 8- 10 examples there.
One method I've found that works very well is to get pictures of pilots from the internet and print them, or, if you tend at all towards the artistic- draw your own....be creative! My pencil crayon coloured pilots just flew at the contest in Geneseo and attracted good reviews. These are just a couple of ideas and if you intend for your airplanes to fly, the weight savings alone are worth considering. Just sayin'
Hope this has helped a touch
Balsa Pilot
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