by Steve Blanchard » Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:58 am
Hey Squirlye,
I wasn't aware that you wanted to buy the old Guillow's kits. I thought you just wanted the plans. Now because I'm pretty sure Guillow's is never going to produce printwood which is what almost every other kit manufacturer did before laser cutting (and many still do) it really isn't all that hard to make your own. I'm not sure what method you are using but there are several very simple ways of doing it that really don't add much time to the build process and you get the wood you want. I too like buying the Guillow's kits. That's just the little boy in me. My wife said something about our son once. She said "you know he isn't as interested in the activity as he is in getting the gear". I think that's true with most guys. I love buying all of the things related to our hobby. I do love building and flying of course, but I have bought way more kits than I'll ever build. I usually just scratch build from plans or from my own plans.