Me 262 Project, the V1

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Me 262 Project, the V1

Postby Mitch » Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:28 pm

Calling all Design Engineers for Planning Meeting...

Here is the new project... Drawings are still being developed... But with the P-51 fighter over the skies of Kent, the project has been pushed forward...

From the same Model Aircraft Factory that made a Fokker D-8 out of a Dr1 kit, and a Ta-152 from the FW 190. With your assistance, guidance and support, I propose an ALL NEW project to come from a Guillows P-51 kit... I bring you the NEWEST EXPERIMENTAL Fighter to join the ever growing Guillows Model Luftwaffe...


Although the final production models for combat are expected to incorporate NEW TECHNOLOGY and recieve there POWER from the ESTES CORP... the first prototype will be powered by conventional power from SIG RUBBER MOTOR COMPANY... May I present the first picture of the prototype... the V1

Sorry about the poor picture, but the paper is glossy and that is the best picture I got.

Here are some preliminary layouts...Using a P-51 Wing BUILT UP BACKWARDS...

And here is a side by side drawing of the P-51 and the Me 262 in 1/16th scale...

So since yesterday's temperature reached 95 degrees and flights of the new Me Bf109F were canceled, and today the skies are stormy, I plan to start cutting out wing ribs. I will first make templates from the P-51 plans as I do not have a current kit. I start with the P-51 ribs, modify as needed. The Me 262 wing will be thinner and be of a NACA design.

The totally NEW fuselage design is still in planning stages and I will need all your support.

Thank You ALL for your feedback and support in the Me Bf109F Project.
Team Leader, Model Flight Engineer, Mitch
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Re: Me 262 Project, the V1

Postby Pauli72 » Sat Aug 18, 2012 3:13 pm

Do you need the fuselage section schematic Mitch? If so, just send me your e-mail on the private message option here & I'll send them off to you.

Ya' that I look at it, the canpy from the 1/16th P-51 might not be a half bad stand-in for the canopy on a 262. Lot's easier than vacu forming your own canopy, at least for the initial development phase anyway... 8)
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Re: Me 262 Project, the V1

Postby Mitch » Sat Aug 18, 2012 3:55 pm

Chief Engineer Mitch to First Engineer Pauli and all team members,

That's what I like... you got to use a little imagination. It's not perfect, but until Guillows makes it or I learn how to vacu-form... IT IS CLOSE ENOUGH!

Just like on my Ta-152 the canopy is NOT RIGHT. It should be a bubble top... But until I make one, this is it...

So from the top view again, I will use a P-51 canopy and just add the extra braces for the Me 262...And cover the back as in the FW's

And yes I will need all the help I can get for the Fuselage is still in the design stage... But work has commenced. I copied, cut and pasted the templetes on Manila folder cardstock. (So they will be more durable). I will be making 3 F1's as the Fuselage of this new Aircraft is VERY WIDE!

Here is the work so far...

I will start to cut out ribs in 1/32 balsa. I cut the templetes OUTSIDE the line and plan to cut all the ribs a bit large, as I will be removing material from the bottom of the ribs to get to the profile I want. The wing will be built on the P-51 plan BACKWARDS, switching the LE and TE. The extra wingspan will come from the center section width... The proposed ws will be 32". The 1/16 scale should be 31 and 1/8, BUT this is the prototype and I want to keep it simple, and use pre drawn plans when ever I can, and I always welcome a bit more ws as with the Me Bf 109F!

Thank You and it's time to go back to work...

Mitch, CE

PS NO WORK Tonight as I am going out to watch Banked Track Roller Derby :D

UPDATE: The Lead Engineer/Designer, after looking at the plans has decided to have 5 F1 ribs instead of 3, the NEW Me 262 model is planned to become the fastest model aircraft designed yet and wing failure is NOT an option... So I cut out 5 F1's... All rib blanks are cut out and that will be all for tonight...


Doors at the Arena Open at 4:30 PM :D
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Re: Me 262 Project, the V1

Postby Mitch » Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:48 am

Need Input from Experienced Wing Design Team...


Here is the propossed wing layout. I am thinking for this first prototype to drop every other rib. Using only the even numbers... The future engine nacelles will be placed between ribs 4 and 6. So What does the design team say...

I only have the blanks cut out so not much time invested yet. I will work on the wing tonight, less ribs, less weight , less work...

The Ribs will be layed out parallel to the fuselage. LE of F1 and TE of F2 touching profile of fuselage to get proper wing angle ONLY!


UPDATE: Although the V1 project will not have the engines mounted on wings, rather the conventional Centerline Engine... The V2 will is being planned as the engine nacelles are being developed, the engine power will come from Multiple strands of SIG rubber delivering short but hopely enough tork delivered to the convetional 7 inch Gullows Propeller found in the 400 seris kits! :P

Last edited by Mitch on Sun Aug 19, 2012 8:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Me 262 Project, the V1

Postby Bill Gaylord » Sun Aug 19, 2012 6:01 pm

Took me a while to remember that the V1 was the prototype, tested with a piston engine to verify airframe concerns.
It would certainly be correct in this case, to power it with a nose mounted propeller.
I can't count how many 262s I've built over the years, as it is a favorite. My favorite is the little 30mm EDF version.
I found a PND plan in PDF format, that I used as a basis for the fuse construction.


Pauli72 wrote:Do you need the fuselage section schematic Mitch? If so, just send me your e-mail on the private message option here & I'll send them off to you.

Ya' that I look at it, the canpy from the 1/16th P-51 might not be a half bad stand-in for the canopy on a 262. Lot's easier than vacu forming your own canopy, at least for the initial development phase anyway... 8)

They work really well. The Sig WWII canopy was obviously made for the P51, and is a good fit also. They came in various sizes, which was handy, if they can still be found.
Bill Gaylord
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Re: Me 262 Project, the V1

Postby Mitch » Sun Aug 19, 2012 8:36 pm

WOW That looks great...

Looks like that has a 50 inch ws. I am planning on keeping in the Guillow 1/16 scale program, and doing a P-51 "Kitbash" keeping in the guidlines of this forum. I came across just one picture of that V1 model, and thought, "THAT's the ONE!" So I will continue with my build tomorrow and plan to keep it as light as I can and see if I can get her to fly with rubber.

Just seeing those pictures helps me formulate how this big bird will go together.

I was also thinking I could pack alot of rubber in both engine nacelles and fly her that way too... But first I got ot get her built...

The V1 will have only one centerline rubber driven propeller.

My color scheme will be a simple Olive Green top, with Light Grey undersides, White outline crosses... I have some purple paper and hope to use that soon!

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Re: Me 262 Project, the V1

Postby Bill Gaylord » Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:38 pm

Thanks Mitch. The 262 has around a 20" span or so, give or take an inch. It's tiny!
Bill Gaylord
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Re: Me 262 Project, the V1

Postby Mitch » Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:58 pm

WOW :o ... I did NOT know they made electric fans that SMALL... So if I powered my 32 inch ws I could put in little turbo fans?

I STILL want to build the V1 and have a go with the rubber band!!! :D


PS Was busy with other things today and will be going away for a week so my work will go on HOLD! :(
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Re: Me 262 Project, the V1

Postby Bill Gaylord » Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:08 am

Mitch wrote:WOW :o ... I did NOT know they made electric fans that SMALL... So if I powered my 32 inch ws I could put in little turbo fans?

I STILL want to build the V1 and have a go with the rubber band!!! :D


PS Was busy with other things today and will be going away for a week so my work will go on HOLD! :(
Back when I built that one, they only sold the fans. You had to cut the hub out and mount your own hub and install rotor adapters, to use 12mm inrunners in the 30mm fan.
32" would be no problem. I have a 27" ME262 with 40mm fans and the same 12mm Feigao 5866kv motors that flies well at over 12oz.
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Bill Gaylord
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Re: Me 262 Project, the V1

Postby Mitch » Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:56 am

Okay Team... I'm pushing forward with my 1/16 scale V1 prototype Me 262

Wing Development is underway...


My 36 inch Guillows Balsa building board has a 32 inch Magnet Board taped to one side. So I just flip it to the side I want to work on.

Using the Guillows P-51 plan and the making templetes from the P-51 ribs. The wing would only be 29-3/4 inches. I decided to increase the distance between ribs to 1-1/4 inches (which is also the width of my steel ruler). Magnets are layed out where engine nacelle will be placed on Operational Fighter.

Not wanting to waste my balsa supply I am also using manila cardstock for mock up and template making.

The wing cord of the Me262 will be smaller than the P-51 so I will bring back the LE some more from this picture and still use these ribs... Ribs 1-3 should be okay and 4-12 will be trimmed back to fit. This prototype is the first of it's kind for me and will take some time and custom work to get the pieces to fit together.

Here is a picture of rib F10, they are still in "Blank Form" as I will get everything togther and lined up before I cut the notches for the spars...


The project will be put on HOLD shortly as I have a job lined up and have to "WORK" :x , then I will be going on a "TRIP" :D for a week...

Team Leader, Mitch
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Re: Me 262 Project, the V1

Postby Mitch » Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:47 am

Thanks go out to Karolenaz, for sending me plans of the Me 262...


I will continue construction with the P-51 wing as I am satisfied with the look...
I will be following my plans for the tail as I like the "Look" better than Karls plans...
However the most important piece of information was getting the fuselage cross sections!

From the PDF file I printed and blew up to 300 % That seemed to get the width and size of the model I wanted... But looking at the profile, It just did not look right... I start with the center section and I will shorten the nose by about 1/4 inch... then I pulled in the tail section about 1 inch. It looks RIGHT to me. Moreover the girth of the plan looks RIGHT and the LOA is now CORRECT!

I will also increase the number of frames in my model as the plans I believe would have you sheet the plane and I am going to cover with paper. So here are the frame tempeletes...These are mounted on Manila folder to make them durable.


Frame 5 is repeated so I made 2, I added two more frame at the tail becase the plans had a large gap between two and I added the last little one to pull the stringers together.

I will be gone from home for the next week, but hope to get a little work done... I'll bring a little supply of balsa, and a laptop...Going to a mc show today then off to Bonneville with my Royal Enfield 500 single "Silver Bullet"...


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Re: Me 262 Project, the V1

Postby karolenaz » Wed Aug 21, 2013 4:05 pm

How going with you me-262 :roll:
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Re: Me 262 Project, the V1

Postby Mitch » Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:45 pm

:oops: I guess I was waiting for someone to bring it back up...

News: I did to Bonneville Salt Flats and bettered my time from the year before (my first year) I recorded 83.311mph over a measured mile. Not BAD for a MC designed in the '50's with ONE lung, that's top speed is 60mph...

Good News: I am NOT going to Bonneville this year. Although I was planning too. Need to make more improvements on the "SILVER BULLET"

BETTER News: I will be going to Denver over Labor Day instead to fly model airplanes! :D

OKAY... GET TO THE POINT: I did not get back to the Me 262 project. BUT! I have learned a lot since a year ago, and since you bring it up, I will continue on the V1... AFTER Labor Day, BUT before I start any NEW projects.

So this is what I have been thinking:

1. Make the Fuselage ribs in 4 pieces. I want the grain of the wood running the proper way.
2. I will build the wing on the P-51 plan (Backwards) With HALF the ribs.
3. Thinner Airfoil Shape.
4. Light Tail

Sorry for the delay. I post here to help me finish what I start. But now I REALLY NEED to get a few "Birds" ready for Denver.

Mitch... Keep Building, Keep Flying, Keep Happy :D
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Re: Me 262 Project, the V1

Postby shawn32671 » Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:21 pm

Great build so far Mitch.
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Re: Me 262 Project, the V1

Postby Mitch » Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:24 pm

Thanks, but it's been collecting "DUST" for too long... But now I have to get back to "Miss Scarlet" ... my new P-51... Mitch
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