Thanks Bill. Feels good.
John, here is how those fuselage alignment sticks work. they are really easy to make, and very effective. i have some good pictures to share.
you can see by my first picture the angle at which the sticks are. The idea is that they slightly close at the open side of it. this ensures a firm grip on the fuselage formers. you can easily achieve this by pressing down in the apropriate way. notice the thickness of that little piece of balsa sandwiched in between the two larger pieces. the thickness of this (1/16" in this case") correlates to the thickness of the formers. if you have thicker formers, you must have an alignment stick that has a thicker piece of balsa in the middle. the wider the alignment sticks, the more "stable" they are and the more effective they are. just be careful with this as the smaller kits can only have alignment sticks up to a certain width. also, i used CA to stick them together. this will be more effective than white glue, so for those who are ok with CA, go for it.
now onto my build.
both wings are complete. i am pretty happy with the way they turned out, and i am impressed with my worksmanship.
in this first one you can see what i meant when i was talking about not pre shaping the LE as per the plans. i think it is really silly and hard to do with poor die cuts. i only added the correct tapper. that was all. it ended up pretty well for this one.
all and all, its been a fairly smooth ride so far. i really am not sure what to expect for the tail feathers. i think they will be a pain with the die cuts. i have always had some bad luck with the tail feathers on the larger planes.