I am a 63 year old new builder enjoying the nostalgia of building a Guillow's kit. While I wasn't much of a stick and tissue modeller as a kid (there are vague memories of an unfinished arrow or lancer kit - covering the stabilizer and crudely painting many different colored stripes on it), I have clear memories of marveling at the WWI aircraft models my older brothers built. One of my brothers, Dale, a skilled modeller, passed away ten years ago now, so I'm building kit 202 in his honor. According to my surviving eldest brother, Dale built the RAF SE5 a in Phoenix AZ probably around 1966. My eldest brother built a Fokker Eindecker model at the same time. They flew them once - both planes crashed. Dale's plane did a loop and smashed into a mesquite tree - the only tree anywhere around.
First let me thank all the people that have posted on this forum over the last twenty years. I have learned so much just by being a guest on this forum and reading all the tips from experienced builders. My question is very specific to kit 202. My SE5-a is essentially complete ready to be flow once weather and field conditions in New England are acceptable. I'd like to draw in the aileron separation lines but I've noticed that on the bottom wing the plan shows the separation line forward of the aft wing spar. But the aft inter-wing strut attaches directly above the aft spar, as indicated by the cutout seen on the plan for bottom wing rib H3. Is this a mistake on the plan? Pictures of actual aircraft seem to show the aileron separation being directly aft of where the strut attaches to the bottom wing.
Hopefully someone whose built kit 202 will be able to point me in the right direction. Thanks!