Hello, My name is Bill Hanshaw. live in Fort Worth Texas. I'm 85 years old, been building models since 1944. My first models were cardboard due to wartime balsa shortage, none flew but were fun to put together. After the war, I started building stick models from most kit manufacturers, and here I am at 85 enjoying building Guillow's models. I just finished the smaller Guillow's FW190, trying to keep it light as I wanted to fly it indoors with my small flying group. It came out at 20 gms with rubber, and when I did some test flights in the gym, I just couldn't get it trimmed to fly with any stability, no matter what I did. I've decided that it's just going to be an outside flyer. I'm now building the Guillow's Hawker Hurricane, also trying for minimum weight, doing some kit bashing to keep it light as possible. More on that later. I'm glad to be a member of this forum, helped by Mark to get registerd.