Nucraft Toys

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Nucraft Toys

Postby collinmccallum » Fri Feb 16, 2024 12:26 am

some information on Nucraft Toys

Paul K Guillow started Nucraft Toys in 1926, his first products were a series of small balsa shelf models of WWI aircraft.

In 1927 Paul released the card game "The New Lindy Flying Game" which was based on the historic flight of Charles Lindbergh, which took place earlier in the same year. In-short the game consist of about 100 cards, and the goal is to fly from New York to Paris (3200 miles). There are cards such as "Take off", "100 miles", "300 miles", "500 miles, and "Fuel", other cards contain hazards including forced landing, storm, heavy fog, motor trouble, etc. Each player has 6 cards at all times. One card is drawn each turn, and one card must be played. The first person to accumulate enough miles to travel 3200 miles wins.

In 1928 he released the board game "Crash". It was for 2-4 players and consisted of a folding board, 12 little metal airplanes and a spinner. Each player gets 3 airplanes and spin once per turn, and must move along the board from the start "hangar", then taxi, take off, approach and finally end on the "landing field". A "Crash" occurs when one airplane lands on the same space as another, in which case both move back to the hangar and start over. First to land wins.

In 1929 he released the "200" Series of "Fly-A-Way" gliders. There were 4 of them ranging from .25 Cents to 2 Dollars, with a mailing charge ranging from .10 Cents to .15 Cents.

In 1933 he moved to Wakefield Ma, changed the company name to Paul K Guillow-Nucraft Toys, and started focusing solely on gliders and scale models.
Last edited by collinmccallum on Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Nucraft Toys

Postby Scott » Fri Feb 16, 2024 6:29 pm

That was an interesting read.I wonder if the games sold well.
Hawker Sea Fury FB.11 VF-871
Royal Canadian Navy
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