When this message board was created and put up for all you modelers to talk to each other, I tried to make it as easy and pleasent to use as possible. To do this I didnt require a lot of "permissions" to use the board and up to now this has worked well.
Sad to say but lately we have been found by the "spybots" and "spammers" out there.
Guillow's really wants to keep this board used for discussion of model airplane making only and we will do all we can to keep out these unwanted spam replys and postings.
To do this, I have changed permissions on this message board a bit ! As a GUEST to this message board you can view and read any message you want (as before) ..... BUT if you wish to reply to or post a new subject it now requires you to sign up as a USER. This process of signing up is very easy and only takes a minute so I urge anyone who is here for the intended purpose of discussing model aircraft to take the time so you can continue to use the message board to it's fullest.
I'm sorry for this added inconvienence of having to sign up. I'll say two things ... I hope it doesnt stop any of us real modelers from using this message board and I hope it DOES stop the automated spybots from posting and cluttering up our messages.
Thank you for reading and using our message board.

Happy building,
Paul K. Guillow, Inc.