Ditto. Guaranteed reasonable accuracy, without messing around with scale factors and chance of error, let alone the model not being perfect scale.Mitch wrote:It does not make sense to me, but I have been told you count the fuselage portion and any nacelles. so just look at the wing on the plan. For a rough measurement I just take the wingspan, and look at the cord, I choose what I believe is the average. Then it is just Length x Width, or Wingspan x Average Cord.
I've weighed components as the build has progressed, but haven't weighed everything together yet. Most of the gear comes with specs, such as the 10 gram outrunners, 2.5 gram servos, and Eflite 2s-430 lipo, although they tend to be understated, sometimes not considering the lead weight. The wiring is a killer. For this build, I've eliminated connectors and unnecessary harness length, keeping it at a minimal. The motor wires are soldered to the ESC leads, eliminating 3 grams of gold pin connectors. The ESCs come with standard 26 gauge leads, which is heavy. Any extensions needed were made using 32 gauge servo wire. They ESC to receiver leads have been trimmed to leave about 1" of service length if ever needed, and will be directly soldered. S-connectors really add weight and should be eliminated wherever possible.Chris A. wrote:Bill, that plane is really looking good! Nice work on a well thought out project! Yes, tall grass and contest wood are necessities for success. But most hobby shops don't carry real contest grade wood. I'm curious regarding the weight of the RC components, What percentage are they of the weight?
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