I Took Inventory...

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I Took Inventory...

Postby kittyfritters » Sun Dec 18, 2022 5:31 pm

With a bit of a lull in activity this weekend I decided to clean out my workshop. In the process I decided to take inventory of my unbuilt kits. To my surprise I had 71! Of these, 17 are Guillow's kits. At one a month it will take 6 years to build them all and a year and a half just to build the Guillow's kits. I decided to put four of the Guillow's on my todo list for 2023, the Arrow, the SE5A (200 series), the Cessna 180, and the Hawker Hurricane. This is not as big a project as it sounds since I started all of them years ago and just put them aside. The SE5A and the Hurricane are already covered. I think that I already started threads in the forum on a couple of them and I will continue them.

More Later...

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Re: I Took Inventory...

Postby Scott » Sun Dec 25, 2022 8:12 am

I look forward to your threads as you complete those kits,kittyfritters.
Also look forward to pics of the SE5A & Hurricane that you've finished

I have a Cessna 180 still in the box.

Hawker Sea Fury FB.11 VF-871
Royal Canadian Navy
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Re: I Took Inventory...

Postby A26 Invader » Mon Jan 30, 2023 4:56 pm

I keep a running log of all my unbuilt kits. Currently I'm at 40 kits. All of mine are laser cut as I enjoy the precision. Of these 10 are Guillow's.
A26 Invader
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Re: I Took Inventory...

Postby kittyfritters » Sat Mar 11, 2023 5:30 pm

It seems that if you look away the kits multiply. I found some in a closet where I had not remembered having kits stashed so the count was 77. Then, I ended up with two more from the Black Sheep Exhibition Squadron banquet Thursday night so the count is now 79...one for every year I've been around.

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Re: I Took Inventory...

Postby collinmccallum » Mon Feb 12, 2024 9:58 pm

that's fantastic! been working on a list of discontinued kits for reference... any additions are appreciated.
here's what we have so far... (note: if not 100% there is a question mark after the best guess)
Kit Number Aircraft Name Wing Span Year Additional info

806 Bell P-39D Airacobra 25 3/4" 1980 1/16 scale
1201 Space Shuttle Columbia 12 1/4" 1982 1/77 scale
G27 Luscombe Silvair unkwn 1940 none
G19 Spitfire 20" 1942 plastic prop
G13 Bell Pursuit P-39 20" 1940 none
G25 Vought Corsair 20" 1941 plastic prop
G8 Puss Moth 20" 1930s? balsa prop blank
F75 Porterfield Zephyr 16" 1930s? none
2005 Boeing B-29 53 3/4" 1993 1/32 scale
unknown NC58 DO X Flying boat 10" 1933 Shelf Model
153 USS Constitution NA 1975 Boat
50-1 T-28 Trainer 16" 1954 13/32 scale
50-7 Monocoupe 20" 1949 none
H3 Stinson Reliant 30" 1936 series 30
F108 Bellanca 15 1/2" 1941 balsa prop blank
F86 Bell Pursuit P-39 16 1/2" 1940 balsa prop blank
306 Puss Moth 80-A 24" 1965 wood wheels
25DC-12 F-89 Scorpion 10" 1952 plastic prop/ wood wheels
50-4 British SE-5 20" 1954 plastic prop/ wood wheels
N-33 Laird Sesquiplane 8" 1930s? shelf model/ series 72
N-32 Ryan Sportster 8" 1930s? shelf model/ series 72
WW-1 Albatros D5A 18" 1957 plastic prop, wheels & thrust bearing
WW-2 Nieuport 28 18" 1957 plastic prop & wheels
WW-3 French Spad 18" 1957 plastic prop & wheels, wood thrust bearing
WW-4 Fokker D7 18" 1957 plastic prop & wheels
WW-5 (104) British SE-5 18" 1957 plastic prop & wheels, wood thrust bearing
WW-6 (105) Sopwith Camel 18" 1957 plastic prop & wheels, wood thrust bearing
WW-7 Bristol Bullet 18" 1960 plastic prop & wheels, wood thrust bearing
WW-8 Nieuport 27 18" 1960? none
WW-11 Pfalz D3 Scout 18" 1963 plastic prop & wheels, wood thrust bearing
304 Fieseler Storch 24" 1965 plastic prop, wood wheels & thrust bearing
F-45 Aeroneer 16" 1930s? balsa prop blank, wood wheels & thrust bearing
F-49 Spad 16" 1930's? balsa prop blank, wood wheels & thrust bearing
25SDC-23 Martin B57-A Canberra 10" 1951 from series 25SDC
50SDC-1 Convair B-36 16" 1952 Shelf Model
50DC-2 Cessna 24" 1948 plastic prop & wheels
102DC Spitfire 24" 1940 plastic prop
25DC-15 P-51 Mustang 9" 1952 shelf model
25SDC-17 F-89 Scorpion 7 1/2" 1951 shelf model
25SDC-9 McDonnell F2D-1 Banshee 7" 1950 shelf model
25SDC-6 F-86 Sabre 8" 1950 shelf model
25SDC-3 P-47 Thunderbolt 9" 1950 shelf model
25SDC-13 mig-15 9 1/2" 1951 shelf model
25DC-14 Douglas Skyraider 9" 1952 shelf model
25DC-11 mig-15 11" 1952 plastic prop, wood wheels
25SDC -5 F-84 Thunderjet 7 1/2" 1950 shelf model
25SDC-2 P-51 Mustang 8 3/4" 1950 shelf model
S500 Boeing b-29 superfort 6 1/2" 1944 shelf model
706 Republic Pursuit 29 1/2" 1942 us patent 2163075
49D1 Monocoupe 19 1/2" 1949 Series 50DC
none Trixter Profile B-C 38" 1949 Control Line
none FJ-1 Fury 4 1/2" 1948 shelf model
none Reactor 46 1/2" 1955 plans by George H. Kelloway
124 P-51 Mustang 24" 1946 plastic prop
3001 E.P. Aeronca 67 3/4" 1988 comes w/ brushed motor
H23 Vultee Vanguard 24" 1942 wooden wheels
206 Rumpler C5 24" 1964 none
10F2 Waco Custom 12" 1940 balsa shortage notice
305 Curtiss Robin 24" 1965 none
804 Mosquito 25 3/4" 1976 none
1502 Bellanca Cruisemaster 42 3/4" 1978 R/C
none Trixter Invert Jr 40" 1948 plans by Lou Andrews
50F1 Stinson Voyager 24" 1947 wood wheels & thrust bearing
101DC Bell P-39 Airacobra 24" 1940 series 100DC
1501 Cessna 170A 45" 1978 R/C, plans by Sam Blumberg
none Trixter Beam 50 1/4" 1953 R/C
GM-2A Barnstormer Mark 2 47" 1958 Control Line Stunt/plans by Lou Andrews
GM-11 Swifty 19 1/2" 1956 Control Line
GM2A Baby Barnstormer 23 1/2 1958 Control Line/Stunt
GM-2 Profile Trainer II 30" 1954 Control Line
GM-21 Paamite 35" 1959 Paa-Load/Free Flight
GM-6 Kiwi A 48" 1954 Free Fligh/ plans by Lew Mahieu
GM-18 Explorer 56" 1958 R/C
GM-14 Profile Trainer 24" 1963 Control Line
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Re: I Took Inventory...

Postby bsadonkill » Thu Mar 07, 2024 7:42 pm

kit 1501 Cessna 170A 45 inch 1/2A engines
kit 1502 Bellanca Cruisemaster 42 1/4 inch 1/2A engines
kit 1503 Piper Tomahawk 42 1/2 inch 1/2A engines
They also made a 200 series De Haviland DH-4, and a B-29
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Re: I Took Inventory...

Postby kittyfritters » Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:06 pm

My kits multiply even when I don't buy them. My count is now up to 85. I said that at the last Black Sheep meeting and Dave Gee called me an amateur. I'm about to reorganize my shop, again, and I'm going to organize my kits by manufacturer.

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